Hundreds of Sold Transactions

Check out some of our current and past deals!

No matter how many listings we have at any one time, we treat each property and client as if it is our one and only. Whatever the market of the day--buyer’s, seller’s, or balanced, there is no such thing as one size fits all in real estate!

Let us lend a hand

We believe your experience buying or selling a home is in equal proportion to how much you trust your real estate broker. As professionals, we earn our client's trust through offering the right advice at the right time. None of it is rocket science. It is knowledge and experience that is cultivated over time. Our #1 goal is to help people have the best possible experience buying or selling a home, whether or not they work with us. Here we share some of our top resources for buyers and sellers. 

Buying Process + Resources

Selling Tips + Tricks

Areas of Service

Barrington - Huntley - Kildeer - Long grove - Algonquin - Crystal Lake

All Northwest Suburbs